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Vol. 26 - Num. 104

Evidence based Pediatrics

Is autism spectrum disorder a persistent diagnosis over time?

Nieves Balado Insunzaa, Pilar Aizpurua Galdeanob

aServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro. Vigo. Pontevedra. España.
bPediatra de Atención Primaria. San Sebastián. Guipúzcoa. España.

Correspondence: N Balado. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Balado Insunza N, Aizpurua Galdeano P. Is autism spectrum disorder a persistent diagnosis over time? . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2024;26:427-30.

Published in Internet: 17-12-2024 - Visits: 1452


Authors´ conclusions: the findings of this cohort study suggest that among toddlers diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), baseline adaptive function and sex may be associated with persistence of ASD.

Reviewers´ commentary: the results of this study show that more than a third of children who received a clinical diagnosis of ASD between the ages of 1 and 3 years no longer met the criteria for ASD on a subsequent evaluation, although the diagnostic methodology used was different, validated only in research. Importantly, ASD-specific intervention was not predictive of non-persistent ASD at 6 years. Together with the published literature, these data raise important considerations regarding early diagnosis and treatment of the disorder. Early diagnosis and intervention of ASD increases parental stress and pressure on young children. In fact, PrevInfad suggests since 2010 not to screen for ASD in the context of the well-child follow-up program at 18-24 months.


Autistic spectrum disorders Child Preschool


Este artículo se publica simultáneamente con la revista electrónica Evidencias en Pediatría ( 


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